What do the numbers: 6, 7, and 2 have in common? E Coli! Within the last SIX MONTHS in SEVEN confirmed areas in the US and Canada, including TWO cities this past weekend in northern Utah, public water systems were contaminated with E Coli! Each instance has required a complete shut OFF to the entire city’s access and use to their public water systems! This has confirmed my opinion of the question: Is water storage important? My answer, and your answer, should and MUST be a resounding: YES! Each of those communities have had to boil ALL water for drinking, pet needs, bathing, gardening and well, basically, everything else! I am sure they are counting their blessings that they still had the means to boil their water! I think it is safe to say that boiling E-V-E-R-Y drop they used and consumed had to have been a bit inconvenient, to say the least!
Sure, they could have run to the store and purchased some bottled water for their needs. But as we all know, bottled water, at a time of crisis, run off shelves like water off a ducks back! So we can’t rely on last minute water purchasing either.
What can we do BEFORE the crisis occurs? What preparations can we make BEFORE the emergency? We can have access to clean water, but how??? There are a couple of things to consider.
First, consider adding one or more of the following to your emergency kit: water filters, water purifiers
, purifier tablets
, micro filters
, water storage
systems, desalinators
, 4 ounce water pouches, cleaning systems
. These filters, purifiers and systems are made specifically for our families. Water-related emergencies WILL occur. Having safe water to use and consume during these catastrophes is critical. That is the ONLY reason these are made and made available to each of us! Be sure you are ready!
Second, whether or not you include filters, purifiers and systems in your kit, learn the know-hows of preparing your water to make safe for your family. Don’t wait for an emergency to learn the do’s and don’ts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers great information: “Make Water Safe” (pdf) and “Drink Safe Water” (pdf). Add these informational documents to your 72-hour kits!
Bottom line: Do what you need to do so you are not without water! Water contamination comes with ZERO notice. Just ask each of these communities, each and every member. Prepare now and have peace later, knowing your family will have safe water for their needs!
Other websites and resources on water-related emergencies preparations:
The CDC, Ready.gov and Emergency Essentials.
*The water system picture courtesy of Emergency Essentials.
June 12, 2015 at 9:22 pm
Gov. Ducey urges steps to protect Arizona water supply
June 12, 2015 at 9:28 pm
As the River Runs Dry: The Southwest’s water crisis