Susan has moved audiences time and time again through her powerful visual performances using ASL.
“Change” by Carrie Underwood
Audiences see and feel the message like never before.
Visual performances have included:
“His Hands” by Kenneth Cope
Les Miserables “I Dreamed a Dream”
“Change” by Carrie Underwood
“How Great Thou Art”
“Amazing Grace”
“I Believe” by Diamond Rio
“Oh Lord, My Redeemer” by Jeff Goodrich
Various pieces from “Annie”
“Roar” by Katy Perry
“Brave” by Sara Bareilles
“Consider the Lilies” by violinist Sara Noel Bauman
“The Star Spangled Banner”
“Come, Come, Ye Saints”
many Christmas songs
and the list goes on!
“I Believe” by Diamond Rio
Susan will change the way you look at performances. Each piece take hours and hours of dissecting, practicing and perfecting. She considers every aspect of a performance to be crucial to its success. The storyline, the authors intent, the acting perspective, the musicality, the signs to use, the clothing, it is all crucial to each piece she performs. Seeing the end result, you will agree her performances are not like any others!
Although each performance takes hours to dissect and perfect, Susan’s gift of visually seeing the song and how it can play out, makes a huge difference in spontaneous performances! “Roar” by Katy Perry was one of those performances! It brought down the house! She learned the night before that she would be performing this piece, along with the other pieces she had already prepared. Her ability to visualize and perfect the piece overnight was evident during that stellar performance!
Through tears, audience stories and testimonials, cheers and standing ovations, Susan has built the trust of audience members, knowing that they will always receive a breathtaking performance, every time. Hard work, passion and love for ASL, music and acting has been the backbone of Susan’s success.
Susan has performed and presented at workshops and other general events. Audiences have consisted of youth groups, general audiences, church groups, ASL clubs, acting workshops, and ASL workshops.