Susan Layton

Film Producer - ASL Performer - Life Learner

Category: The Making Of …

Taking “Glorious” from script to video …

“Glorious” – one of my favorite songs, still to this day!  When “Glorious”, written and originally sung by Stephanie Mabey, came out in all its David Archuleta amazingness, I thought, “Oh!  If could get my hands on the license or an opportunity ever came up, I would LOVE to perform this and perhaps record it!” Archuleta1 I didn’t have a translation yet but I just knew I loved the message!

Not long after Glorious was released, the big announcement came! David Archuleta and “Meet the Mormons” invited everyone and anyone to submit videos performing  “Glorious” for a chance to take part in a Fan Supercut video!  Here was my opportunity!  There was little sleep for me that night.  ALL night I was dissecting, thinking, translating, and then running it by Ryan and then more of it all.

Practice Pix5For me, most of my song translations and dissections take a good amount of time.  It’s not just the words but its the musicality, the timing, the expressions, the thoughts behind my choices, and more.  Some songs take more time than others – and “Glorious” was no exception!  The lyrics are amazing but the challenge came from the meaning behind the words, for example the analogy between “symphony” and “life”.  I had to figure out what I thought they meant and how I could convey them.  I still had to consider creating something beautiful and meaningful, musically and visually, while still making sense in ASL.  Of course, there really is no one-and-only right translation or interpretation, because the end result would come from the eyes of the beholder, and each of us have different thoughts of what it would mean and how we’d want to convey that.  Pix12
But for me it wasn’t about a “symphony” or musical melodies- it’s not about using your ears to hear anything – it is about this grander thing we called life and realizing that we all play a great part in it individually but yet all together.  And through it all, we are discovering who we really are.  As we dig deep, we realize that there is greatness there!  There is power!  There is a divine glory!  That’s what I needed to convey — somehow!

Lyrics Glorious InterpretationWhen it came to the verses, I initially thought they were pretty cut and dry.  I had a basic know-how of what I wanted to convey.   It wasn’t until near the end of filming that my “cut and dry” idea really evolved into more. However, it was the chorus that I spent the most time on from start to end. There was a lot of prayer and thought and pen marks on paper, deep research with the dictionary, thesaurus and Google. (The photo of my lyric breakdown – scribbles and scratches – was taken at the beginning of the dissection period.)

For people who don’t understand the language of ASL, it’s hard to just give you even a rough “gloss” (meaning what it is I signed – sign for sign, expression, etc) and have you walk away and understand what I really meant by it. %22Glorious%22 BreakdownSo, I typed out a very rough gloss, if you will, really more like a very rough translation.  It’s hard to put on paper what is meant in this visual language – ASL – because so much is incorporated – it’s not just a sign = a word.  You can interpret ASL and include so much more because of the things you can use your voice to create… anyways,  keep that in mind while you are reading it. This is just to give you an idea of what I meant by my performance.  (I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. Ha) … Anyways, you can click on the picture and once enlarged, you can read the “Glorious” lyrics on the left and on the right are the English verbiage of my final translations.  I’d encourage you to read that and watch my final video at the same time, so you can see how each part came together.  Sure, as you read what is written, you’ll see that the lyrics and my meanings come out to mean the same thing (that’s of course what my goal was) but it comes down to what it is I conveyed and how I decided to do it – because if I signed “symphony” that is not what was intended and the purpose of the message would have been lost.

Once I have a pretty good idea of what it is I want to sign and how to convey it, I begin recording myself.  For this piece, I recorded several times and then I watched it back – sometimes after a bulk number of recordings, sometimes after each time. Practice Pix4Tweaking was almost constant – sometimes I’d end up changing out whole entire parts.  This process of tweaking and rerecording went on for quite some time.  The next day I got dressed up and makeup on and I was ready to record.  I practiced some more and then went to the studio.  At that point, I still didn’t feel my translation was final.  Counting up the number of times I recorded in the studio that day, meaning stop and start, was a whopping 24 times!  One of those clips lasted 10 seconds and another lasted 38 minutes and 43 seconds (no stopping just letting the camera roll through each take).  I looked over a few of those videos and I could feel the desperation I was experiencing to get it right.  I remember there was one part that I would forget how I wanted to set it up and each time it came to that part, I would mess up and have to start all over.  Pix6During the time I was waiting for the music to begin again I would rehearse it over and over.   It had only been one day since the announcement but I wanted to get it done as quick as I could, and at the same time, I didn’t want to deviate from the translation that I came up with – unless it just didn’t work, then I would change it.  To you it may seem like I’m a perfectionist for the number of takes I did.  To me, not so.  But I’m sure you can relate — when you’re in your element, and it’s something you feel deeply about, you’ll only settle for your best, especially when you know you can do it.  That was me.  That’s what I wanted.  Desperately.  I wanted my translation right, I wanted it to flow, I wanted the expressions and feelings there, I wanted my timing right.  I kept on going.

Practice Pix9Green Screen Diversion: I decided to use a green screen in the shot and not change out the background for a couple of reasons.  The first reason: The night of the announcement, after I finally decided to go to sleep, I had a dream.  In my dream I was filming “Glorious” — that’s how it goes when you’re so consumed, right?! Ha. Well, in my final video I had used a green screen and left it as is.  Cool, eh?  Ha.  Some of you are probably thinking what I was thinking … you don’t have to always do what your dreams tell you.  Well, the next day as I was recording, I really felt that leaving the background green, albeit wrinkled, was what I needed to do.  Let the message pop with the brightness, yet simplicity of the color, regardless of how imperfect it is. That’s what I decided to do.  I still somewhat cringe at my wrinkled background, but then I let it go.  I am not perfect.  I am on a journey, just like the rest of the world.  I am here to find my purpose.  So are you.  Let the little things go – and for me, that day, it was my green screen.

Although I was recording over and over again, I was still tweaking as I was going along.  For example, the part in the chorus: “Everyone plays a piece, And there are melodies.”   (For reference sake: A melody in musical terms is the principle part of the music in a harmonic composition. Meaning, there may be a lot going on but through it all, there is an underlying part that most of us, if not all, can recognize.) There are two pictures below.  In the picture with my hair up, I was recording during practice.  In the picture with my hair down, I was filming in studio – the final day.  If you’ll notice in the practice shot how my hands are placed almost directly over one another.  In the final they are not – they are overlapping only two fingers.  To me, that slight change of hands was very important.  Here is why: Many of us share similar experiences or backgrounds with others, while others have gone through the same exact experience as another person – but regardless of our experiences and who we shared them with, we do not experience life the same way. It is true that we can have empathy for others or share experiences in which we can say “been there done that” but none of us have lives that play out exactly like each other.  That is the melody, or underlying part, that most of us (if not all) can recognize, while the rest of life plays on around us.  (Full hand – experience all the same regardless of our lives; Two fingers – experience our own life but still share in many experiences). So, this slight difference in my hands is how I decided to portray that meaning in  my translation.  (Are you following me? … I do hope so.  Smile)Practice Pix7
Practice Pix11


By the end of the first full day, I still did not have the recording I wanted to put out.  I decided to rest and let it be for the night. I prayed all night.  The next day I got back up and went to the studio.  I was still praying for help!  I began recording, and again, looking back at those videos, I can see the hope, plead and desperation between takes.  Between the last two takes, with the camera still rolling, a prayer was offered.  And then I just paused and regrouped myself.  There was a big breath and then I moved forward to start the music again.  That last take was the video that I decided to release.  I believe in this message.  I believe that we all, everyone, whether we understand or not quite all the way, learning or are there, are in a journey of discovery.  Discovering the purpose of life.  Discovering our purpose in life.

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What I learned most from this experience was that we just gotta keep going.  It’s not easy sometimes.  It can be frustrating, to say the least, but on the flip, it can and will be absolutely beautiful and glorious!  Discovering who we are is the quest at hand.  Keep going.  That goes for you, and that goes for me!

I hope you know that there is a loving Heavenly Father who loves and cares deeply for you.  Discovering and rediscovering that simple truth is one of the most profound things we will ever experience.  That is what makes life so absolutely glorious and beautiful.   We were born with that divine glory – finding it is all part of the journey.

Practice Pix8Sweet peace and happiness to you always!




P.S. Did I make it to the Final Fan Supercut video?  I sure did!  Check it out!  CLICK HERE Pix11

P.P.S. If you haven’t watched “Meet the Mormons” yet – perhaps you are not Mormon (LDS) yourself, I’d like to invite you to watch it.  It’s not about converting anyone.  It’s about showing that each of us are in the same boat.  We’re here on this glorious creation we call Earth, learning to discover who we are.  I cried.  I laughed.  I thought long and hard.  It is a beautiful movie! (The pictures below, along with two in the body of this post, were taken from the official “Glorious” music video/”Meet the Mormons” movie.) 




The Making of “JOY to the World”

JOY-SnowThe making of

“JOY to the World”

I’m a little late in posting how the video “JOY to the World” came to be.  But I wanted to still share this … because as you will see throughout this and then reminded again at the end, you will find how “JOY” plays in to the world as we know it – a new year, a new start.
IMG_9875When I first began the thought process for filming “Joy to the World”, I thought that maybe the focus should be at a Christmas party, sharing joy with family, friends, acting out the Nativity, etc.  But then I thought to myself, JOY!  JOY to the World!  HOW?  How can we have TRUE JOY?  Where does JOY come from?  What can one do to experience LASTING JOY?  How can someone my age, someone older, someone younger recognize and long remember the JOY that comes from the Christmas season? And then it came to me!  GIVE! Give of yourself!  That can really mean anything – our time, talents, money, our heart.  That’s what Christ did.  He gave of himself and JOY, lasting, true JOY came and that is why we celebrate Christmas!  Isn’t that why we live, period?!  Men are, that they might have JOY!

One of the challenges that is faced when trying to film a video that requires other people is … getting the people.  Smile.Pix-14  This particular weekend that I’d be shooting this video, and the ONLY day I was available to film, was on Black Friday!  I know, you’re thinking, “You need people… on BLACK FRIDAY?!? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!”  I know!  But somehow, they all came together! Of course, I enticed the first group with milk, donuts and hand warmers. They agreed, thankfully, and we met at the nativity on the grounds of the St. George, Utah Temple.  That morning was SOOO cold and we were all in a hurry to get it done, which we did, but somehow, I totally forgot the hand warmers in the car!  Yes, we froze.  I think my brain froze or something! Ha. But the entire time, there were nothing but smiles! … I’m glad they still love me!
Pix-18We only had half of an hour to film at the nativity and then my family had to drive up to the blizzard-like Cedar City, Utah, about an hour north of St. George.   We met our next group at SubZero, a deliciously fabulous ice cream shop.  (If you haven’t yet, you gotta go there!)  Thankfully, we put up the decorations the day before, so we only needed to set up the lighting and get my camera-girl up to speed on shots.   And then we waited for our cast.  A few people couldn’t come last minute, so gratefully other friends came to fill in.
I feel so blessed to know such amazing people! Pix-12 All of the cast enjoyed great big ice creams, hot chocolates and steamed milks.  Man, I’m salivating again.  Ha. I was worried about the time, because we only had two hours before SubZero would open for regular business.  But somehow we got everything shot under those two hours. Phew!  I couldn’t have done it without these very giving people and SubZero! I filmed at SubZero because I wanted to go back to “normal life” after the first verse of seeing me with the homeless man.  I wanted to show that when you give, you have a greater hop to your step. When you give, the feeling of JOY just wants to burst out of your seams.  There wasn’t anything else I really wanted to show there but JOY IS CONTAGIOUS and it comes from the things we do for others.


JOYPix The part of the homeless man in the snow was a “must” from the creation. As far as the weather went, the weeks forecast was: “Wednesday: snow; Every other day: sunny”.  So I was praying that either the Wednesday snow would last till Friday or that it would snow again on Friday for the shoot.  Well, Wednesday’s snow completely melted before the sun set that very same day.  Drats!  So, I kept praying it would snow – I believed it would just make this part of the video so much more if there was snow.  On Friday, when I woke up, my folks called to say, “We see you’ve been praying cuz the snow is here for your video!”  Sure enough! All day, it continued to bring down gorgeous big flakes.  The snow stopped falling  about an hour after we were done shooting.  I was so grateful!

With all the hustle and bustle of prepping everything else, the one thing I didn’t bring for myself was a coat.  Oh well, it’s hard to sign in a coat anyways. Ha.  When it came to deciding who would play the part of the homeless man, it was clear in my mind who it needed to be.  Pix4This man was absolutely perfect and patient in every way!  We had a few minor “issues” when it came to filming the part outside.  Let’s see, where do I start?!  Ok! … As we began shooting, the music kept freezing on us.  We couldn’t get it to start at the part we needed.  So, my helpers (who volunteered last minute, but also didn’t have coats) put it inside their clothes, thinking it was the cold that was causing it to wig out on us.  But then, inside of clothing, they found it was hard to start/stop as needed. Ha. Once we got that all worked out, we shot a few parts and then it was the camera’s turn.  Yup, the camera decided to totally turn off, telling us that the battery was dead!  Impossible, I thought, it was almost fully charged before we went out 15 minutes ago! So inside we went and plugged it in to recharge.  Don’t get me wrong, I was NOT protesting coming out of the cold – my hands and feet were as ice cold and burning as I had ever experienced before! I was sick to my stomach, it was so painfully cold!  I thought, HOW did the pioneers do it, walking across the plains in the bitter winter storms?!?  I guess the Lord knew I wasn’t one that would be able to weather that too well.  Pix-19Ten minutes later and the camera was still not turning on.  Remembering the hand warmers that I forgot to give to the morning group, I grabbed them and we placed them all over the camera.  Within a minute or two the camera turned on, with full charge.  Sure enough, it was frozen! And then we put the hand warmers in our shoes, pockets and anywhere else we could to keep us warm when we headed outside again.  Of course, while we were waiting we each ordered another round of hot chocolate and deliciously mouthwatering caramel steamed milk.  Mmmmm… my favorite!  When it was time to go outside again, the camera kept it’s warmers in every crevasse possible and our music volunteer and device got a blanket and several warmers as well!  No more issues with electronics from then on out!  Yay!

Pix-9Finally, we were ready to film the remaining part of the homeless man scene.  We invited people off the street to come help us out, and they were so sweet.  Of course, there were a few who had wide eyes and ran like we were burglars.  Ha.  One older lady drove by, rolled down her window and asked what we were doing.  I tried to explain as simply as I could that we were filming for a music video and briefly shared this particular part.  She said, “You’re not making any sense!  Here…”, as she was fishing through her purse for some money, “let me give you some money.”  I tried to say, if I give you the money, will you put it in the stocking and we can film that?  She said, “NO! You don’t give ME money! I’ll give YOU money!” And then she wasn’t quite understanding the filming part of it all. Ha.  Sweet lady!  So she ended up giving me $1.50 and driving away.  She left with a huge smile on her face.  That’s what it’s all about, I guess!  Give of your heart and joy comes.  Later that day, I passed her kind gesture on to a man asking for help.  It really was a very memorable part of filming for me, even though we didn’t film any of that.
Pix-1The second to last part of this video shows us at a friends’ house having fun and wrapping gifts.  Although it was a crazy part of the night, with eight little people, who are all best friends and really wanted to play more than anything, I caught some very special moments.  Of course, I could not have done it without their mother!  She was getting them in position and keeping them focused and happy and all that, while I was shooting. Pix-4 I was pretty sure she would un-friend me from life after that night.  Ha.  I’m so happy that she didn’t. The next day I had to come back and do the transition scene where I was coming in her house, she was like, “SURE!”  I really have special people in my life!  Having the kids deliver the gifts to the family was neat too — we must have shot that 25 times but from shot number one to the last, the kids were excited and happy and ready to go each time!


Pix-3The receiving family was so gracious.  I loved how the mom, and even the daughter, would come out, stand in awe and then hug each other as I could see them offer a silent prayer of gratitude. The sweet little boy did something different each time, but each time it was so precious.  He would give the small gift to his mother, he would look down with the biggest “wow” grin ever, he would bite his lower lip as if he were containing his excitement, he’d jump down from the doorway, he’d grab his mom’s leg in a bear hug.  I loved every one of their shots!

From my storyboard thoughts to the finished product, I think the scene that stood out the most was the very last shot in the finished video “Joy to the World”.  I wanted to show that even when we give, the JOY doesn’t stop there. Pix-23 I originally wanted to show that idea by capturing a shot of my family driving home after the days activities and then from our view, we would see the same homeless man who I gave money to earlier in the day, then giving back to others.  Since there wasn’t enough time to show all of that, I still wanted to capture the homeless man with the stocking in hand, obviously no longer with money in it, giving a bag of groceries to another homeless man. Since it was snowing quite heavily that day, the shot was beautifully portrayed. The last shot came out like this: A homeless man hunched down in a corner behind a building, trying to stay warm from the bitter cold and snow.  The only thing he has is a small blanket draped over his back. Pix-8 In the shot walks the homeless man, seen earlier in the video, holding two bags of groceries and an empty red Christmas stocking.  The shivering man looks up and says to the other, as he’s handed a bag of food, “For me?… THANK YOU!” Squatting down, they both proceed to open their grocery bags of blessings.  That, for me, made the video exactly what I wanted it to show.  That is, that when we give, we should give with our heart.  And sometimes we don’t know what really happens once we give to others.  We may never know.  But you can never go wrong when you give! That’s where the JOY comes in!  JOY to the World can only come when you give of yourself!

As I said at the beginning of this post, I’m a little late in posting how “JOY to the World” came to be.  However, just to note, today it’s January 1, 2016.  And every where on social media I see, “For 2016, I want peace on earth!”  Peace on Earth – Joy to the World.  They come from the same place.  Giving of yourself.  Loving others.  Sharing goodness.  Smiling.  Helping.  Being kind.  Forgiving. Those produce JOY.  Those will bring the PEACE that we all seek.  I pray and hope and hope and pray that we can figure out this PEACE that we all seek.  I hope and pray and pray and hope that we will find JOY in our journey of seeking peace.  Love to all!  And from my heart to yours, JOY to the world!

Give (JOY) … and ye shall find (JOY)!




P.S. Isn’t Francesca Battistelli’s version of “Joy to the World” fabulous?!  So love it!

P.P.S. THANKS to ALL who were involved!!!  JUST – SO – GRATEFUL!!!






































“iZombie” – My Version of Alex Boye’s “African Zombie”




 An ASL Music Video With a Moral to the Story.

The first time I heard the song “African Zombie” by Alex Boye’, I knew I wanted to use it in an ASL music video  — with the focus on our now-a-day obsession of electronics and such devices!  But for whatever reason, I could not get it done.Zombie 1 The next year came and I told my family, let’s do it!  And then again, I just couldn’t get it done!  I think my biggest hangup is the daunting task to film it myself, while I’m trying to be in the shot at the same time, and not use a tripod (cuz I prefer movement than still shots for some videos and this video needed movement).  So, this year rolled around and I got on my fix again and said, “Let’s do it!” but timing was yet again difficult.  The evening before Halloween, I thought to myself, “If I don’t do it this year, the same thing will happen next year and the next.  So either I do it now or I don’ t do it at all!”  And when I have a strong vision for a video, I can’t just leave it by the wayside.  I told my family, “Get your makeup on, hair done, change your clothes, we’re doing “African Zombie”!!!”   Actually, Ryan, my hubby, was at the store and I texted him to say, “Oh by the way, we’re filming tonight”.  He’s always a good sport.  😀 Phew!

Although I knew what I wanted as the bones of the story, we still had to figure out some things as the video developed.  Since Ryan wasn’t home yet, we began with a couple of the opening and closing scenes.

Pix12Once Ryan got home, dinner was ready, we ate and filmed at the same time.  I told him to tell some funny jokes so I could get everyone smiling (haha) … so out came the “Knock, Knock” Halloween jokes.  They were pretty funny!  But of course, he found the jokes on the internet using his iPad, and the iPad was on the table – so I had to remind him what this video was about.  Smile.

I do have to put in a little plug, since I kind of brought the subject up. 😀  I am not anti-electronic device or anti-technology.  I do believe there is a purpose in having this awesome technology that we all use today and some enjoyment using it is always nice, too!  Of course, I filmed this using an electronic device and I’m typing this blog post using an electronic device.  My husband’s job is performed solely using electronic devices. Pix14 We really can’t live without electronics and technology these days!  I get that!  I guess what I have seen in the world today, and even in my own life, is that living life becomes more about what we are doing electronically than actually living and being present with the other living beings on this earth.  That’s where my vision in this song came from.  I’ll be honest, if my kids are on any electronic – iPad, computer, or TV for too long, they become little Zombies.  In the ASL world, I would add the comment, “True business!”  That means that I’m not kidding! (I chuckle inside when I call them little Zombies – but I’m sure you can see what I mean by that).  I do have great kids, I must say!  But I do put a timer on electronic anything.  I’ll end my little plug here.  Hope you get what I’m saying and understand the purpose behind my vision – smile!

Back to the making.  Pix7There is a part in the video where I have one of my girls on the floor with a remote control in her hand and other remotes and movies and an empty bag of chips and tons or candy wrappers and other candies laying beside her.  She played that part perfectly! It makes me smile each time I watch it.  But what I didn’t get in the final shot was the book that was lying next to the pile of movies.  That was her contribution to the creation of the scene.  As we were setting it up, I asked her why her book was lying there and she said, “To make it look like reading is second rate.”  Oh, so clever!  But I couldn’t get it in with the timing we had.  Drats!

My little boy is not a redo kind of guy.  I can get him to Pix15redo a shot two times, three if I’m really lucky.  So if I don’t get what I want, I have to use what I have. The cool thing about filming him is that I rarely tell him what to do, because he is just so young and innocent,Pix10 he does what comes natural and doesn’t think about the steps, which is almost always SO perfect in filming! He has one of the funniest zombie faces. I wanted to use it but told him he had to drool out his Cookies and Scream ice cream dessert so I PIx11could use it at the end of the video.  Ha. Then soon after dinner, my little girl fell asleep, so I thought, let’s just film her to look like she fell asleep playing a game on the iPad and have little guy be sneaky and get the iPad from her.  One time he came up so sneaky and then turned away from the camera.  So we shot it again and he turned with a huge grin, as if to say “Nana Nana Boo Boo, I got the iPad!”  It was bed time after that so I told him no iPad.  He didn’t think too fondly of that idea.  Haha.

Pix2My two older girls really helped me a lot in this video.  They shared the camera duties and helped me with several scene placement ideas.  As I shared earlier, we started this whole thing in the evening.  After my two littlest people were fast asleep, my two older stayed up filming.  These two good sports stayed up ’til almost one o’clock in the morning.  Then the next day, we still had to shoot a few more parts. They didn’t complain once. Of course, they got to wear makeup and so that was Pix9kind of payment enough for them.  Ha. The scene at the table was fun.  Well, the floor too, and the couch.  They were just a great help throughout! We shot most parts several times with some feedback along the way but overall I had a lot of good shots to choose from.  Of course, if you know editing, that’s good and bad – but more good than bad.  😀 …  The one with the shorter hair helps to keep me balanced and thinking straight. I need that when I’m under stress for sure!  She is almost always the one behind the camera when I am not.  Thank goodness I have her! The one with the long hair is a hair guru, seriously!Zombie  And on Halloween (ha- her one day a year to be awesome at it) she is a makeup extraordinaire!  Her artistry is quite amazing too!  Anyways, our friend said to her after she saw the video, “I can’t believe you let someone mess up your hair like that and have a dirty face!”  To which she responded, “I did that!”  The friend said, “Well, then you did a mighty fine job!” … To film this in 6 hours total, including eating dinner and everything that comes with that, I really could not have done it without them!

One of my most favorite parts of the video, and I laugh every time, is where I have my youngest daughter stand at the island in the kitchen playing the iPad.  Pix1I wanted to show the idea that when we are so engrossed in our electronic-whatevers, that we become oblivious to life around us.  The drops of ketchup on the counter was what I saw in my original vision!  The part we didn’t include was where she was “so engrossed in her iPad game that she put her hand in the ketchup like she was grabbing a nugget and then proceeded to eat it, at the same time I was directly above her eating the nugget.”  Of course, I thought the nugget was just as disgusting as she thought the ketchup was.  Haha.  Again, timing didn’t allow that I add that part.  But the ketchup on the counter was what I loved the most!   I’m thrilled that it came out so well!

If timing allowed, I was going to add one last shot before you saw the family Pix8at the table eating dinner together.  That shot was going to be seeing all the electronic devices left on the couch.  Spending family time together or time with those around you or sharing a conversation with a loved one far away is far more valuable than sitting on a computer or playing a video game or anything else like that.  My hubby and I remind my kids, himself and myself of that all the time.  It’s easy and fun to sit on Facebook or play games or watch “Halloween Cupcake Wars” or do work on-the-go, but it’s funner (not a word, but using it anyhow) to be in the present with those in the living.

That’s my “iZombie” story.  And I’m stickin’ to it!


Sincerely, Susan


I’d love to read how electronic stuff has made your life more easy and more valuable.  I’d also love to know how you keep your life in balance when it comes to life with technology.  Share with me your thoughts below!

To watch this video: “iZombie” (my version of Alex Boye’s “African Zombie”) click here!

(Don’t miss the couple of blooper scenes at the end of the video.)

Thank you Alex Boye’ for an amazing, fun song! – “African Zombie”




“Oh Lord, My Redeemer” in ASL – How it came to be…


In 2013, “Oh Lord, My Redeemer” was a song that my sister, Sarah, suggested we perform at an event.  At the time of our discussion, I thought I had never heard this song before.  But she began playing it, not only did it bring back faint memories of the song, but also tears to my eyes.  This was a piece I could see play out in my head.  And for me, that is what it is all about.  So Sarah, Stacie and I started to practice right away.  For me to perform with the feelings I know I need to convey, I have to have the pauses, breaks, and even certain dynamics and feelings from the piano and vocals.  I’m grateful Sarah and Stacie were sensitive to my needs as a visual performer.

IMG_3122We performed this piece several times over the following few months.  Each time we performed this song, I had to be in the right frame of mind, and the be prepared, spiritually.  I knew if I was not in a place mentally and spiritually, I wouldn’t be able to convey the message I wanted/needed to, and it wouldn’t be felt the way the song deserves.  Mind you, being spiritually prepared, for me, meant am I in-tune with the Spirit?  I knew it couldn’t be a last minute “give me the Spirit please” thing, cuz that never worked.  And it never was “am I perfect today?” because … yeah, I’m just not perfect.  But being prepared for the Spirit was crucial.

IMG_3162After that first time hearing the song, I knew “Oh Lord, My Redeemer” was on my ‘gotta film’ list!  I wanted it done “the right way”.  This song deserved the right setting!  I wanted to film this in Jerusalem!  I tried to earn funds through a Kickstarter campaign and I failed.  Although I was devastated from this unsuccessful campaign, I wasn’t going to give up.  I knew it wasn’t the end of it.  The time would come. The place would come.   I just kept praying and hoping and hoping and praying.

The process of getting the proper license to film this took SEVERAL months.  It sometimes felt like I would go forward 2 steps, set back 5, and then forward 2 and back 5, again and again.  But I didn’t want to give up. I was determined to figure out where I needed to go and somehow get the license to film “Oh Lord, My Redeemer”.  Months went by.  Then, I remember I had had a very rough week.  I was really praying for certain blessings and peace.  One particular day the following week, I received a phone call.  It was Brother Jeff Goodrich.  THE Jeff Goodrich!  The very one IMG_6595who penned, “Oh Lord, My Redeemer”!!!  He said, “I was going through my pile of papers on my desk and noticed your envelope.  I received your envelope a few weeks ago but somehow things got piled up on it.  But as I opened it and read your letter, I felt the Spirit very strong.  Then, I watched your video.  I knew I needed to call you, personally.  I have no doubt that you will make a video that is pleasing to the Lord.  There is always one thing I ask when someone uses my music and that is: to have the Spirit with them as they share what is sacred to me… and I have NO DOUBT that you will do just that! Please, use this song!”  I was, honestly, speechless.  I didn’t know what to say.  I remember doing everything I could just to hold back the tears.  The only thing I can remember saying was, “THANK YOU, BROTHER GOODRICH, THANK YOU!” I remember looking at the time after and saw he talked with me for 15 minutes.  I thought, ME???  He talked with ME for 15 minutes?  Wow.  Looking back, I can’t recall what else was said.  After we hung up, I wept and wept and wept some more.  I could feel the loving arms of my Heavenly Father around me.  As soon as I could stop crying for a moment, I shared this amazing moment with my hubby.  Then I wept some more. Then I called my sister. And overwhelmed, I cried some more. And then my mother.  And well into the day, I was still so very touched and grateful, I couldn’t hold back the tears of gratitude.  I did, indeed, get the license!

IMG_6210Soon after I obtained the license to film this piece, Sarah and Stacie went in the studio to record the sound track.  I could see it was coming together.  But a year and a half went by and I still didn’t have a video, even on the calendar.  I contacted Mark and said, “What do you think?  Is it possible to get this filmed, edited and released in time for an Easter run?  I really want you to film this.  I know YOU would be able to create this story on film the way I see it in my head!”  He said, “I really think we could!”

Time ticked on and our schedules just didn’t mesh.  So I prayed harder.  Ha.  … I really did! … A couple of months later, he came to town and we started hashing out logistics.  Oh, a happy day for sure!

I contacted the people I needed to for costumes and location.  Those both fell through.  I prayed harder and listened more.  Then I received another email from one of the costume/location people.  They gave me a possible lead for the costumes.  And sure enough, this sweet lady, Kay, emailed me right back saying,

IMG_6170“Absolutely! When do you want to come get them?”  Of course, I was just HOPING for a couple of costumes, and then if we didn’t have enough for everyone, we would share the costumes with each other, so all could be dressed time-appropriate in each scene.  When I arrived into town the day before we started shooting, we met with Kay.  She had everything we needed! These costumes were beautiful!  She even had the costumes for the Roman soldiers!  It was so HUMBLING to see the Lord’s hand in this!

Soon after we got the ‘okay’ for costumes, I began working on finding people to play the parts I needed in this video.  Towns people, friends, soldiers, a woman, and a man.  I was glad I knew many Deaf people in the Mesa area (where we would be filming).  I contacted everyone I could think of.  The part I could not get filled was that of the ‘woman by my side’.  I kept praying who I could use.  Do I use one of the women I would be using for the other parts?  In my mind,IMG_3142 I kept seeing a lady with strawberry blonde hair.  Her facial features were distinct.  Her hands were strong. She was humble with a strong spirit about her.  I kept thinking to myself, why am I limiting myself to that description?  But I just kept searching! So fast forward to the afternoon before we were to shoot.  I went through every Facebook friend I had, emailing each as I went down the alphabet.  None of which could do it.  I finally got almost to the end of my list.  I was feeling very humbled.  I prayed and said to the Lord, “This is your video.  I’m just the means to make it happen.  But I can’t do this alone!  I need this part filled!  I don’t know who?!!”  I felt the response, “Keep going.”  So I kept going.  And then there was Wenonah’s naIMG_3155me.  Wenonah.  Could she?  Would she be available?  She would be amazing!  I don’t want to get my hopes up.  I prayed again.  And then I texted her.  She accepted for the moment.  She had to check with her family to see if they’d be okay with it.  I held my breath and kept praying.  That afternoon, she texted back and said she could … and her family would come along too!  I was overwhelmed with joy! How grateful I was for that message!  Then the thought came to me again. A woman with strawberry blonde hair.  Her features are distinct.  Her hands are strong.  This woman was humble with a strong spirit about her.  That was Wenonah’s description exactly!  I knew the Lord wanted her! … It still touches me today, thinking about this!  It was a miracle!

Two nights before we were to shoot, Mark and I went through the storyboard again.  I told him, “This is how I see it in my head.  IIMG_6190 know this was inspiration from the Lord. This is how we gotta do it!”  He took careful note as I described each line.  Each moment.  Each scene.  He could see it too.  And he always says,”If I can see it, I can shoot it.”  So, after fine-lining everything, I was confident we were gonna have a beautiful film.

The last thing we had to figure was the location.  Not living there for some time, I couldn’t remember the whereabouts.  I offered what I could think of and Mark thought of what he could.  He called me with good news as I was driving to town.  He got the place.  Seeing it the next day, it was absolutely perfect!

Ya know, the only dates we had open to film was March 27IMG_3188th and 28th.  And then all of a sudden, Mark’s schedule had a work commitment on those days that he could not get out of.  I prayed and prayed to help us find a time to film.  Our ‘Jesus’ was only available on March 20th and 21st.  We just could not make it work.  Then one day both my obligations for the 13th and 14th cancelled. I called Mark and he said his just cancelled for that same weekend too.  His work commitments for the 20th and 21st got moved to another weekend, so he could come film our Resurrected Jesus scene the 20th and 21st near where I live.  Oh, the excitement switch just got turned up to full blast!!!  The only other thing we needed to figure out was who would play ‘Jesus’ while we are in Mesa, since our ‘Jesus’ wouldn’t be able to make it until the Resurrection part.  We asked one of the missionaries in the area to play the mortal Jesus.  He was willing!  What a blessing!  He brought the Spirit so beautifully to each part he played!  And another blessing, to me, is that he was Deaf!  These amazing miracles were a testament that heavenly hands were involved in this!

Thursday, March 13th
9:00pm: I drove into Mesa and met with Kay.  We picked out all of the beautiful costumes.

Friday, March 14th
Day time: Mark and I stepped out each scene.  Built a fire pit.  Created the scene for the boy being raised from the dead.  Shopped for props.  Got the food.


5:00pm: Actors arrived.  Had a devotional and ate pizza. Got dressed. Grabbed waters and snacks and it was time to shoot.

6:00pm: Shot the scenes: woman on the street, Golgotha, boy being raised from the dead.

9:00pm:  Did a rough edit with the footage we shot.  Decided which parts we needed to reshoot.

My favorite part of Friday was when we shot the scene with the boy being raised from the dead.  There were only IMG_31958 of us in the room.  The wind, which was very gusty that day, had calmed down.  The sweet boy did exactly what we needed each time.  As each of the people in the scene were Deaf, we had to coordinate each movement perfectly, to make it work.  And it did.  The Spirit was really strong.  It was a sacred moment for sure!

Saturday, March 15th
I knew there was only one last shot at this.  I knew what needed to be done, and I was feeling overwhelmed.   I prayed and prayed hard!

Daytime: Filmed the intro parts.  Walked out each scene again. Went over all instructions for actors again. Built the blind man’s shelter. Bought the food.  Got the fire started IMG_6206ready for the hot dog dinner and the scene to follow.

4:30pm: Actors arrived.  Had a devotional and hot dog dinner. Got dressed. Grabbed waters and ran to the first retake.  The Spirit was really strong this night.  For the reshoots, it took us one shot and a backup for ‘just in case’ each scene.  Everyone was so focused.  Then we shot the blind man’s scene and then off to the fire.  Every part was so perfect.  Everyone really had the “let’s do it!” hats on and followed direction perfectly.  Like I said, the Spirit was strong!

It’s hard to choose a “favorite part” for this night.  It ALL was my favorite!  Like I said, the Spirit was strong, the actors were focused, they were spot-on each time!  If I had to choose a part that was really special, it would be when we shotIMG_3117 the blind man scene.  We shot that three times.  The first time, the timing wasn’t exactly right on some things.  So after instruction, we did it again.  The retake was SO TENDER! Both Mark and I shouted after that take, “WOW!  THAT’S IT! SOOO PERFECT!” Wilson, the “blind man”, said he wanted to do it one more time!  He wanted to finish the scene with a kiss to his love.  So sweet!  So we agreed to reshoot that!  But, it was the second shot that what we used in the final video.  It really was a very beautiful and tender moment!

We finished by 9:30pm.  We were beat! So, we just packed up, and headed home for the night.

The next morning, I headed home.  My heart was SO FULL!  I was overwhelmed thinking of all the beautiful miracles I was allowed to witness, sweet blessings, tender mercies, loving people, the outpouring of the Spirit, and immense love of the Savior.  I reflected on Jesus’ life, the miracles HE performed, the love HE has for each of us, for the great plan of happiness and my heart was full of gratitude!  I plead to the Lord that this video would, in fact, share the beauty, the miracles, the love of our Savior!  I prayed that those who would watch would feel closer to Him and feel of His great love for them. That’s all I wanted from this!  ….

IMG_6536March 19th
Mark and Penny rolled into Southern Utah.  We headed straight for the location that we were considering for the final scene.  We wanted to reshoot some of the fire scenes on the evening of the 20th, and the resurrection scene on the 21st.  So we found the places and waited so we could test the time/lighting to know exactly when we were going to shoot.

March 20th
7:00pm. It was time to shoot the establishing shot, so I called some of my peeps and enticed them with smores!  Hehe. They were more than willing!… (With or without smores!) Smile.  So we filmed the establishing shot and then worked on a couple of the fire reshots.  Those, thank goodness, didn’t take too long.  It was getting cold!

IMG_6527I was so happy for those reshots though, because a couple of my favorite parts of the video were shot that night.

March 21st
8:00am. Mark, Kelly, Shay (Resurrected Jesus), my daughter (mini photographer) and I met at the rock, ready for this final scene.  Shay was perfect!  We shot the scene a couple of times and I was just not feeling it.  We kept going, and in the middle of a scene, I said, “Stop.  I’m just not feeling it.  I just feel off.” Kelly said, “It’s probably because we didn’t start off with a prayer.”  She was right! She offered the prayer and then I asked if someone would share a spiritual moment.  I needed to be in the zone.  Kelly had an experience of when she worked behind the scenes at the Mesa Easter Pageant.  It was a beautiful moment… (I think I’m going to have her type it up and share it

IMG_6219with me… and then I’ll share it with you) … Anyways, that was what I needed.  We shot the last take and that was the one!  It, again, reminded me that this is the Lord’s work.  And I needed his Spirit in each part.  Doing it on my own, because I want to, doesn’t bring the same beauty and spirit and as inviting the Spirit of the Lord first and then going forward.  It was a beautiful reminder to me.  It was a beautiful ending to all of my experiences.

I’m grateful that Mark was by my side through all this!  IMG_6568He listened to my ideas, he trusted my directions, he helped me when I needed feedback and was a trusted friend through all of this.  I relied on and trusted in him for everything video and editing.  I knew that if anyone could share this story how I hoped, it would be him!  He did an absolutely beautiful job!

So although this was a piece I had hoped to portray in the Holy Land, the Lord taught me beautiful lessons along the way.  And that was more important.  I guessIMG_6545, in essence, the Lord brought the Holy Land to us.  And regardless, the Spirit of the Lord can be with us, no matter where we are in the world… and the Spirit can be shared and felt through a video, no matter where we are in the world, and no matter the language we speak.

“Oh Lord, My Redeemer” 
by Jeff Goodrich
Performed in ASL by Susan Layton
OLMR Pix JPG(Click on picture or title above to view video.)

MY HEART and MUCH GRATITUDE goes out to everyone involved in the process of making this video!   The actors, sound crew, video crew, musicians, wardrobe, the “Deaf Eyes” crew, and my family … THANK YOU: Wilson and Holly Auman, Dallin Ashton, Jacob and Jessica Gurr, Barney and Beverly Hawkins, Neil, Wenonah and Clifford Holmes, Ryan Layton and children, Melissa Leitheiser, Shay and Kelly Lelegran, Missionaries: Elder Clegg, Elder Jackson, Elder Monteith, Elder Weber, Marsha and Douglas Moulton, Rob Nielson, Chad, Alora, Whitney and Parker Ostler, Linda Ostler, Joe and Starla Sapienza, Kay Walker, and of course, Penny and Mark Jones!

To Brother Jeff Goodrich: Thank you! THANK YOU for your inspiration to pen this beautiful music!  THANK YOU for your love for the Savior that shows through this sacred hymn!  THANK YOU for allowing me to share my testimony through your song!  THANK YOU!!!

I am so grateful for the Savior of the world, even Jesus Christ!  It was through Him that we have purpose.  It is through Him that we have eternal life.  It is through Him that we know how to live a life of true happiness.  As we emulate His love, kindness, joy in service, joy in others, sacrifice and humility we will experience more joy than we could ever feel otherwise.  It is through His sacred acts of love that we can become whole and we can live again after this life.  There is nothing greater than these acts of love, His infinite Atonement and Resurrection.  Oh Lord, My Redeemer! For Thou hast done so much for me!!!  All my love I give to Thee!! THANK YOU!!!

“His Hands”

It has finally come!  My very first ASL video is out.  Yay!!!

His Hands

This song, “His Hands” has been a song I have performed since I was a young girl. Blessings My Jerseys sisters would accompany me at various places performing and sharing our love of the Savior. Still today this is one of my most requested pieces to perform. What special memories accompany this very moment for me.

“His Hands”, by Kenneth Cope, is an Gifts amazing song about the hands our our Savior, Jesus Christ. His hands were a life of service, compassion, humility, forgiveness, and unconditional wholesale nfl jerseys love.

I hope as you watch my performance of “His Hands” you dictum feel the love the Savior has for us and perhaps even a desire to become more like Him.

I With want to express my many thanks Inspire for all of your prayers and support along this wonderful journey. I also could’t have done it without Sarah Spangler, my dear sister and wholesale mlb jerseys superb pianist, Stacie Wiese, amazing vocalist and friend, Ammon Wiese, superior videographer, and my dear husband Ryan, and family! This would not have been done without all of you.  And one very important person throughout all of this has been Brother Kenneth Cope … Thank you for allowing me wholesale nfl jerseys to film this amazing song in ASL.  My heart is so full to have had Brother Cope with me throughout this entire journey.  What a wholesale nba jerseys special honor for me… Thank you so much Brother Cope!  THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!! … to all of you!!!

So without further ado… Enjoy, share, watch again. And so forth!
Most sincerely,

This video can be found on YouTube!  Click the picture above or on the YouTube icons on any of my pages or just click here.  😀 cheap jerseys from China  ENJOY!

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