First of all, I am so grateful for all the love and support that has poured in!  It has been absolutely touching. Your words of support, warm wishes, prayers and so much more have been so comforting! THANK YOU!

Both my hubby and daughter are doing very well! … Still a little sore but recovering well. The car, on the other hand, was just declared a total loss.  🙁 …

Funny story tho: When my little boy asked when we would get our car back – all fixed, I said, “Honey, we aren’t gonna get it back. It went to car heaven.”  He slumped over and let out a big sigh.  Then yesterday when we went to the salvage yard to get all of our things out of the car, my sweet guy saw the car and excitedly exclaimed, “Mom, is THIS car heaven??!!?”  I love his sweet innocence! 😀
